Hilco Real Estate is putting two mixed-use development sites near downtown Austin up for sale. Both are "nearing completion in the entitlement process" to allow a combined total of 650 proposed residential units, according to a Thursday press release from the Illinois-based company.

East Austin

The company's Eastside offering is a 3.4-acre parcel with zoning entitlements for 300 residential units above ground-floor commercial space, according to the company. It's at 1129-1135 Gunter Street and extends to at the corner of Airport Boulevard and Kirk Avenue, near the Springdale Green office development and several mixed-use projects old and new, including the Goodwin apartment complex and Springdale General.

North Austin

The second parcel is in at 5916 North Lamar Boulevard, just inside the Brentwood neighborhood in North Austin and across the street from the Texas Departmentof Public Safety complex. Hilco says site is "nearing full entitlement status" for proposed seven-story apartment complex with 326 apartment units over a two-story podium with parking and ground-floor commercial space.