Pflugerville officials broke ground Monday on Downtown East, a development that will create a new city center in the suburb 15 miles northeast of Austin.

It’s Pflugerville’s largest downtown initiative to date, a project that enables the city "to serve our community today while laying a strong foundation for future generations,” Assistant City Manager Emily Barron said. California company Griffin Swinerton is the Downtown East developer.

The groundbreaking kicked off Phase 1 of the development, which includes the extension of Main Street east to Farm-to-Market Road 685 as well as the construction of a new city hall, a multigenerational recreation center with retail space, and a civic plaza with outdoor gathering spaces, a stage, and a performance area. The project also entails creating infrastructure and additional parking.

Downtown East’s Phase 1 is slated to be complete in fall 2026. General obligation bonds, certified obligation bonds, right-of-way acquisition funds, developer financing for retail, and potential grant funding will help pay for the $204.7 million first phase of the project.