Austin has allocated more than $2 million in new funding to help individuals and families exit homelessness, the city’s Homeless Strategy Office announced Wednesday.

Projects qualified for the funding can be those that remove barriers to securing housing or as incentives for local property owners to make housing available for people at risk for or experiencing homelessness.

"The two goals of this funding – removing barriers to housing and increasing the number of available housing units – are essential to effectively help individuals and families exit homelessness,” the strategy office’s David Gray said.. “Through this opportunity, we are offering the necessary foundation for people to rebuild their lives. Our approach supports the long-term stability that individuals require to achieve their full potential and end their homelessness.”

The new funding opportunity consists of two programs, according to the announcement:

The Property Engagement and Education program ($600,000) aims to improve relationships with local property owners to increase housing availability for persons experiencing homelessness or at-risk of imminent homelessness. The Housing Barrier Reduction program ($1,500,000) aims to launch a fund that reduces immediate barriers for individuals and households trying to obtain or maintain stable housing. Applicants may apply for one or both programs.

Funding for the programs, which totals $2.1 million, comes from the United States American Rescue Plan Act and must be used by the federal deadline of December 31. The Homeless Strategy Office expects contracts for the funding to start December 15.