The Austin City Council is moving ahead with Water Forward, an integrated water resource plan meant to support a sustainable and equitable water future for Austin’s next 100 years, adopting the 2024 update to the plan at its Nov. 21 meeting. The council adopted revisions to Austin’s Water Conservation Plan and Drought Contingency Plan, which will complement the strategies in the Water Forward Plan.

“Planning for our water future is critical. Central Texas continues to face rapid population growth, as well as climate impacts from more frequent and severe droughts,” Austin City Manager T.C. Broadnax said. “Today’s adoption allows us to advance our much-needed 100-year Water Forward strategies.”

Austin Water has been implementing strategies from the first Water Forward plan, which the council adopted in 2018, including efforts to increase water conservation and water use efficiency, expand reclaimed water use through the GoPurple Program, and strengthen the diversity of Austin’s water supply. 

The updated 2024 plan builds upon the strategies from the 2018 plan, incorporating the latest technical analysis and modeling as well as extensive input from the community. Revised plans include new drought stage watering restrictions, more stringent water conservation goals for per-person water use, and goals to reduce water loss. 

“The foundation for the portfolio of strategies in this updated plan are based on input from the community we serve alongside the most recent population and climate projections that will impact the lower Colorado River and Highland Lakes system that provides Austin’s drinking water supply,” Austin Water's Shay Ralls Roalson said. “The updated Water Forward plan provides a roadmap for our water future. It will take everyone’s commitment to conservation, reuse, and investing in long-term supply strategies. Together we can meet the community’s water needs for the next 100 years.”